Showing all 5 results

  • Magnifier Full Page Reading Fresnel 7 x10 w/Border


    These flat magnifiers are great for enlarging print of newpapers dictionaries telephone directories maps and more * To use hold approximately 4 away from page * Handi-Lens? 2X Power Page Size * Fresnel Lens 7 x 10 with vinyl border in a peg header card *

  • Magnifier Pocket


    4.5x mag. lens 50mm * Handy pocket sized magnifier * Attaches to keyring *

  • Magnifying Glass Countertop Display Bx/24


    Great for enlarging small print and objects for easy viewing * Rubber grip magnifying glass features a tough design with a durable rubberized anti-slip handle and a strong scratch-resistant magnifying glass to see things up close and in detail * Measures approximately 7 long with a 2.75 diameter viewing area * Magnifying glasses come in black/grey blue/grey and black/yellow *

  • Magnifying Glass Round 4


    4 round handle * 2x power lens with 4x bifocal * blister carded * Hi-Power optical quality lens with bifocal insert * Unbreakable and scratch-resistant * For reading small print contracts telephone directories stock listings maps and charts stamps and coins *

  • Square Magnifying Glass


    Excellent quality * Large enough to do what is needed yet small enough to be totally portable * Fits easily into a purse or pocket * Lens area: 2 1/4 W X 1 1/8 H * Overall size: 2 3/4 W x 4 H * Magnification: 1.5 X’S *