
Measurement tape with spring loaded Gulick attachment is housed in protective plastic casing for easy opening and retracting * Woven fabric measurement tape is calibrated in inches and centimeters * Measurement tape has push button retractor * Gulick spring attachment exerts constant force and tension on woven fabric for accurate and repeatable measurement * 60 inch

* Measure the circumference of a joint or digit * Measure by yourself: simply make loop position loosely around waist wrist or area being measured and press button * Measuring tape will stay in place securely while you have two free hands to make adjustments and record measurements

6 Feet Long * Spring weighted end applies force to the tape measure assuring accurate reproducible results * Phthalate free * Used for growth dietary and edema evaluations * Red mark and notch on the Gulick end when pulled *

Test functional capacity evaluation of an individual’s material handling activities within work hardening programs * Comes with removable weight holders and hinged lid with stop mechanism * Natural finish

6 feet long * Tape measures in both inches and centimeters * Fiberglass and pliable * Phthalate free * White outer plastic case * Locks open and is push button retractable *

6 feet long * Tape measures in both inches and centimeters * Fiberglass and pliable * Phthalate free * White outer plastic case * Locks open and is push button retractable *

Infant paper tape measures * 36 paper measurement tape * McKesson brand *