DisAseptic XRQ Gallon Bottle (Formerly DisCide V)


* A quaternary ammonia based disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer designed for use in health care/physical therapy facilities * Ready-to-use detergent disinfectant * One-step ready-to-use no mixing or measuring * Laboratory-proven to kill microorganisms on hard inanimate non-porous surfaces * Reduces the risk of infection and cross-contamination * Meets EPA requirements for hospital use and is EPA registered * Meets the OSHA guidelines for bloodborne pathogen standards * Container/lid does not contain latex * Kills TB HIV POLIO BACTERCIDAL FUNGICIDAL and VIRUCIDAL E-COLI PARVO STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS SALMONELLA CHOLERAESUIS and PSUEDOMONAS AERUGINOSA in 10 minutes *

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SKU: 5042B Category: