Up-Easy Power Seat Electric (Up to 300 lbs.)


The color of the seat cover has changed from blue to tan * Use on existing furniture. * Lifts those weighing up to 300 Lbs (136kg) * Works on sofas armchairs and recliners. * Costs considerable less than a lift chair * Transports easily * Provides a flat lifting surface * Safe and stable no risk of pitching users forward * People who need assistance to sit or stand due insufficient upper or lower body strength can benefit from the Upeasy Power Seat * Those who have lost mobility as a result of: Arthritis Parkinson?s Muscular Dystrophy ALS (Lou Gehrig?s disease) post-operative conditions and degenrative joint disease * Cushion Dimensions: 16 W x 19 D * 120V AC * 1 year Warranty * This product is not medicare reimbursable

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SKU: EZ1000 Category: